
TMU 5(33) -- December 16, 2008

Alumna at CNN Atlanta
Naeemah Ford competes in Miss Peachtree USA

A UNO School of Communication alumna of the broadcasting program has advanced in the competitive Atlanta media market – the ninth largest in the United States.

Naeemah Ford

Ford hosts and produces segments for an Atlanta based entertainment show:

411 To-do List - Atlanta Rocks

Naeemah Ford began working at CNN in August of 2005 with the Inside CNN Studio tour. A few months later, she landed a job as radio editor. Ford gathers newscast sound using telephone interviews. Her work is available to almost 2,000 affiliates on the CNN Radio Network.

Additionally, she works in promotions for Radio Disney AM 590 in Atlanta. “I also co-host a physical fitness program for Radio Disney called ‘Move It’ at elementary schools in the Atlanta area,” Ford said.

To see more of her work, visit these links:

  • Story 2

  • Story 3

  • Ford recently competed for the title of Miss Georgia at a pageant in Atlanta.

    PRSA service award
    Karen Weber earns more honors

    Karen Weber received the 2008 PRSA Nebraska Service Award at the Dec. 11 PRSA Gala and Paper Anvil Awards.

    The UNO School of Communication lecturer was recognized with a lovely glass plaque. “It was so gratifying to be recognized as a mentor for students past and present,” Weber said.

    UNO PRSSA also won two Awards of Merit for Campaigns in the Classroom for our 2008 Safe Kids Buckle Up teams.

    School of Communication alumni working in public relations collected numerous awards.

    Kelsey Archer of Clarkson College, Julia McConahay of Bailey Lauerman, Abby Supenski of Bozell and Brittany Ryba of Mosaic all won awards of merit and excellence. Ryba is a graduate student in the School of Communication.

    UNO PRSSA President Heather Knudson assisted the Gala planning team and served as one of the photographers. Knudson and Aimee Labenz, PRSSA historian, photographed the event.

    Group presentations
    Seniors demonstrate skills

    School of Communication graduating seniors were among those engaged in many speaking across the curriculum opportunities as part of final projects that are so common to junior and senior level communication courses.

    Erin Cox, Karl Johnson, Tenia Padilla and Cody Cheshier

    In Electronic Media Management, for example, December graduates Erin Cox and Tenia Padilla anchored a group of four students presenting an overview of all aspects of the KETV television operation in Omaha. The assignment required students to research and estimate a value for an Omaha media property of their choice.

    Of note
    Excellence in action

    Ana Cruz was elected as one of nine readers in the Family Communication Division. The division is large, but very well organized. While at the National Communication Association meeting in San Diego, Cruz attended the Experiential Division (Service Learning) and signed up to be a reader for 10 papers. She also met Richard Potter, co-author of the Intercultural Communication textbook used in her UNO classes. Potter asked Cruz to propose writing a chapter in his Reader book.

    * * * *

    Barb Pickering received confirmation of her invited and funded participation in the upcoming Jack Miller Forum conference, “A Nation of Immigrants: American Democracy and Civics Education.” The four-day event at Boca Raton, Florida January 28-31 is designed to provide a stimulating discussion of American democracy and civics education through robust discussion. The conference is made possible by the generous support of the following institutions: Jack Miller Center, Philadelphia, PA; Florida Atlantic University; Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters; Department of Political Science; and the National Endowment of the Humanities.

    Did you know?
    People in the news

    Lisa German has a new baby -- Ciara Noelle (pronounced Kira). Lisa and Ciara are both doing well. Ciara weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces and was 19 1/4" long.

    Evidence of excellence

    1. Tony C. Dreibus, a former UNO School of Communication major, works for Bloomberg news service and is covering the ongoing saga of the arrest of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. A Dec. 10 story with Joe Carroll recounted the sad tradition of patronage politics in the Illini state. “Government in Illinois isn’t about political ideology or helping people,” said Christopher Mooney, who teaches political science at the University of Illinois-Springfield. “It’s about which idiot brother-in-law are you going to get a job on a road crew because he helped you get into office.”

    The week in photos
    Images from around the school

    PRSSA members Amber McCaskill and Lindsay McFeely received a donation from Jeremy Lipschultz of two Littlest Pet Shop toys for the PRSSA annual Toys for Tots drive, sponsored by the U.S. Marines. More toys are needed to meet the goal of at least 300 new toys for local children. Please lend your support by buying a new toy or giving cash so PRSSA can buy the toys for you. The drive ends on Friday, Dec. 19.

    School of Communication Party
    Dec. 10, 2008

    Michelle Thies created this display

    Faculty enjoy food

    Carol and Warren Francke visit with Jeremy Lipschultz

    Barb Pickering and Abbie Syrek visit with Bob Franklin

    Deb Smith-Howell and Gail F. Baker speak with Bruce Johansen

    GTA Charley Reed and faculty

    Cynthia Robinson Moore sees the camera

    Chancellor Christensen's Holiday Card
    Visit the School of Communication website!

    Dates & times
    Mark calendars for interesting events


    18 – Construction management students unveil initial plans for a Communication Building, PKI, 10:30 a.m.

    15 - High School Journalism Dinner, 6-9 p.m. at the MBSC Chancellor’s Room.

    12 - Thursday, Feb. 12 Valentine's Day Bake Sale first floor ASH 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    26 - Thursday, Feb. 26, MBSC Nebraska Room Bateman team campaign event for National Banking Association College Program 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    12 - Thursday, March 12, MBSC Nebraska Room One-Five-0 and in Control Alcohol Awareness event 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    31 - Thursday, March 31, MBSC Dodge Room Communication Career Development Workshop 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    23 - High School Journalism Workshop, 12 p.m. at the MBSC Ballroom.
    28 - PRSSA Presentations, 4 p.m. at the MBSC Chancellor’s Room.
    30 - 10 a.m. Scholarship Breakfast at the MBSC Chancellor’s Room; 5th Annual Alumni Panel at 1 p.m. at the MBSC Dodge Rooms); 54th Annual Awards Banquet, 6 p.m. at the Thompson Alumni Center.

    8 - Friday, May 8, at the MBSC Ballroom School of Communication Graduation Breakfast 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

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